
Hire me to coach your improv troupe, consult on your production, or perform at your venue! Message me with your name, dates you require, and a description of what you require, and I will get back to you within 24 hours with my availability and rates.


I am available to coach your improv troupe to help you excel at your format. I have coached short form, long form, and narrative troupes. Typical coaching involves me coming to your troupe practice, leading some exercises, and then, watching and providing notes on your format. If there is a particular aspect of improv you would like to focus on, let me know beforehand. I have many years of experience being in and coaching troupes, and sometimes, just having an outside eye see your format can be helpful for practice. Message me if you are interested!


I have directed many improv shows. If you would like me to help with logistical or production related aspects of your show, I can help make the show go more smoothly. In your message, please include which aspect of the production you would like assistance on, so I know whether I can help you in that area. If not, I may be able to point you to someone more qualified.

Other Services

If you would like to hire me for other services, please reach out, and I will address them on a case by case basis.